Off the Shelf Courseware

Stress Management


Stress Management Training Materials are designed for trainers to develop techniques for employees to manage stress. Confidently teach staff how to deal with stress, how to build a solid foundation, mental strategies, time management tips and much more!

SKU: sa2113 Categories: ,

Stress Management is a valuable skill for today’s workers. Many people feel that the demands of the workplace, combined with the demands of home, have become too much to handle. While stress seems to have become an unavoidable reality, with this course participants can learn strategies for managing it.

This Stress Management course includes information on the signs of chronic stress overload, identifying actions that add to people’s stress levels, and how to implement action to reduce unhealthy stress.

The courseware kit contains a full suite of training materials — an instructor guide, student workbook, assessments, a pre-assignment, and more — all of which are easily customizable.