Off the Shelf Courseware

Dealing With Difficult People


Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People Training Material is designed to develop a strong understanding of how to find common ground with people and resolving conflict with individuals or groups. Train your employees how to define conflict, the benefits of confronting and preventing problems, building focus with a three-step conflict resolution model and how to perform self-assessments.

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Dealing with difficult people is something that most of us will experience at one time or another in our lives. We may encounter people who are inconsiderate, stubborn, indecent, unhappy, angry, or passive-aggressive. These encounters may happen only once with an individual, or we may have ongoing issues with people who behave in these ways. How should we act when this occurs? And what should we do when these people are our employees?

If difficult interactions are necessary, and we approach those conversations or interactions with a plan, we will likely find that these encounters are easier to handle and we can have more successful outcomes. In this workshop, you will learn how to turn difficult situations into opportunities for growth.

While this workshop is aimed at supervisors who interact with difficult employees, the information and activities can be helpful for dealing with difficult people in other situations as well.

Topics covered in this one-day Conflict Resolution workshop include: how to recognize how their own attitudes and actions impact others, effective techniques for dealing with difficult people, strategies for dealing with anger, and how to cope with the difficult people and situations.

Download this complete courseware training package, and with minimal preparation you’ll be positioned to begin teaching Dealing With Difficult People immediately. Your one-time purchase grants you customizable, easy-to-use training materials and unlimited print-on-demand privileges. Add Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People to your courseware toolkit, today!